This post comparing advertisement photos of fast food and real items ordered at the same restaurants is a hysterical post. We used it for a hearty laugh and one of those unscripted educational experiences in which I don't even need to lecture one word.
This bowl of "dog food from the planet Krypton" (thanks, Slashfood) can be found at your local KFC.
Excellent. I love this. I'm going to show my daughter too.
I remember how dismayed I was when I first heard that often to show things like mayonnaise in those fast food pictures, they instead use GLUE for desired whiteness.
Course, it probably has the same end result as horse glue in your guts anyway.
Makes me think of the scene in Falling Down, where Michael Douglas basically just flips out and does all the stuff we've all secretly wanted to do... walks into a fast food place and asks why they can't make the burger look like it does in the picture... only when he asks he's holding a semi-automatic weapon so they kinda, ya know, listen. ;-)
I love that this is a 'Pulitzer caliber' project.
Oh, you should see the site's other quality media criticism, such as "People in Newspaper Ads who look like they are farting"
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